If you have no 2024 PKI Certificate in your HIC.PSI when viewing with PSIAPPLET.CPL (and have checked all workstations) you can manually retrieve it from Certificates Australia. (Historically this was not the case as it did not contain private key information.)

Make sure you have a backup copy of your HIC.PSI file.

Go to this website:


Type in your RA Number in the Surname/RA Number search. You can find your RA Number by clicking one of the existing HIC.PSI certificates.

Download both the encrypt and signing certificates.

In PSIAPPLET.CPL click Import.

It will ask you for your password. Usually, this is your Minor Id aka Location Id aka MLK number, for example, MLK00000. Try upper and lowercase. If it is not your Minor Id then someone in the practice should know it. In some cases, we can find it but not always (we do not control these)!

Search for the downloaded CER file(s) (should be in Downloads) and selected them to import (one at a time).

You should then remove any older certificates via Tools -> Remove (which will also ask for your password each time).

Repeat until you have removed all expired certificates. You should have 2 left, (typically expiring 2024, or any future date).






Copying to the DATA folder of the server will mean workstations will pick it up next time they run.

Please note, all paths listed above are based on default install locations. If you have an alternate install location you will need to modify accordingly.

Start Medilink, ensure Links -> Configure Online Claiming -> MCOL Web Services is unticked (Restart Medilink if you have to untick it).

You should see a box that says "~800 Days Remaining" when you log in.

Do a PVM on a patient and make sure it works.