Users with Windows 10/11/Server 2019/2022 and onwards may have experienced "No More Files" errors sporadically when trying to access the Medilink database from workstations.

This is caused by a change in the way Microsoft accesses files over network shares on Windows 10 update 1803, resulting in unexpected errors.

You should ensure that the performance setup for the server is optimal, i.e.:

  • Medilink on server is on an SSD drive
  • All LAN PCs connected via ethernet, not WiFi*.
  • Anti-virus exclusions (for all workstations) in place for the Medilink share on the server (you may also need to exclude via Windows Security - even if you use a 3rd party anti-virus).

Failing that:

On your Medilink server run the "NoMoreFilesFix.ps1" Powershell script as an admin (download link at bottom of article), or run the following command from Powershell:

Set-SmbShare -name "MEDILINK" -LeasingMode none -Force

On LAN workstations try and add the following registry key:


(All DWORD) 







You may need to reboot the server and workstations afterward.

If you need help deploying this fix please make a support booking here:

or email

[email protected] 

(*Note you can have Remote Desktop computers connecting via any method, it's just the LAN Medilink client PCs.)

This information based on Microsoft advice found here: