Sometimes you might see a patient via teleconsult or in a remote location where you don't have confirmation of payment in advance, but still want to perform their rebate claim for them.
Note: if you do have payment in advance, just do a normal Medicare Online Fully Paid Patient Claim (i.e. Cash Consult).
Firstly turn on Links Menu -> Configure Online Claiming -> Interactive Patient Claims. You only need to do this once.
(More info about this here: )
Now check the Patient. Ensure they are set to default to Private Billing.
Now check the Account. Ensure there is a valid claimant or non-patient claimant on the account, and turn on the Use Medicare Online and Pay by EFT, to claimants address ticks. Note: we do not want Easyclaim (can't use this when patient not present).
Then create a Private Invoice. Again to clarify this is not a Cash Consult or Bulk Bill. If you set the Patient correctly above them the Invoice button will do this, but you can make sure it is via Reception Menu -> Invoice -> Private Invoicing (shortcut CTRL+P).
Bill the items as normal for private billing. Note: make sure that claiming options are unticked, no Medicare Online or Easyclaim.
Take payment (either on the day, or when you have confirmation via bank, or do a payment later, etc.), and receipt the outstanding amount in Medilink. Note: unless they are paying later via EFTPOS you will likely want to untick Use Integrated EFTPOS.
Go in to the Invoice Copies screen. You will note that the Invoice Group (top area) just says Pvt (private), it does not say it was a Medicare Online claim (Pvt MOL).
Highlight the correct Invoice and press Submit Claim:
You may get this warning, just say Yes:
If you have Interactive Patient Claims on (which we recommend), it will print a Statement of Claim which will show the Benefit.
Either way, just print/PDF save that and provide it to the patient.