Tool to create RDP files that have embedded username and password.

Handy when multiple (trusted) users share the same Windows desktop. So you can create a User1.rdp and User2.rdp on that to streamline their usage of RDP.

The RDP files are tied to the Windows current user, i.e. the RDP files can't be copied to another workstation/user profile.


Arg 1: Base RDP File Path (should not have username/password already embedded)

Arg 2: Username inc. Domain if applicable (i.e. DOMAIN\username)

Arg 3: Password (optional)

Arg 4: Output RDP File Path (optional)


Medilink.Tools.CreateRDPWithUsernamePassword.exe "C:\\Users\\Reception 1\\Desktop\\Server.rdp" "CONTOSO\\Mary Smith" H*rdP*ssw0rd

Creates   --->  Mary Smith.RDP

Medilink.Tools.CreateRDPWithUsernamePassword.exe "C:\\Users\\Reception 1\\Desktop\\Server.rdp" "CONTOSO\\Mike Jones" Smiley8)

Creates   --->  Mike Jones.RDP