Medilink allows the upload of Specialist Letter documents current and previous in the system. Any future Specialist letters can be indicated to automatically upload to MHR when sending as a secure message.
During the IHI check their is an option for auto-upload to MHR as seen below (any automatic IHI check will have this automatically selected and can be changed simply by going to the IHI screen).

When sending a secure message (from either DHR or DMS) there is an option to also upload to My Health Record.

Select the provider you are sending the secure message to.
The next screen will allow the user to select the method for sending their secure message and include an option to also upload to My Health Record. This tick option can be selected automatically.
Click Ok and this will automatically upload the secure message letter to My Health Record.
To upload a previous letter, select them from the Patient Summary screen, right click and choose 'Upload as Specialist Letter to MHR'