
Create appointment and invoice

Batch creation

When "Send All", the app will automatically group pending invoices to multiple requests each of which may have up to  80 events according to the request data structure. There's no explicit batch creation.

Or the operator may select multiple pending invoices.  

After pressing "Send Selected 4", Pending Claims has 2 new pending transactions with totally 4 invoices, automatically grouped in 2 requests.


Since the grouping for a batch is automatic across all invoices or selected invoices according to  the request data structure , and the operator would select invoices to be handled before sending the request, removing a medical event from a batch is irrelevant. In other words, automatic grouping pending invoices makes batches as buffer irrelevant. 



A patient is associated with multiple referrals.

When drafting an invoice, the app will list the most appropriate referrals, and the operator may pick the desired one.

Then the selected referral info is automatically filled in to the invoice which contains multiple items/services.



The request and the viewing are all in one UI step through pressing the "Processing" button.



The request and the viewing are all in one UI step through pressing the "Payment" button.
