
The AIR Record Encounter function allows recognised vaccination providers to send an individual’s immunisation information to the AIR.

Vaccination providers in Australia can also send information about immunisations received by individuals overseas and immunisations administered by another vaccination provider.

An AIR Record Encounter consists of:

 One Information Provider Number

 One Immunisation Provider Number (optional)

 One Individual

 One or more encounters

Each encounter consists of:

 One or more episodes (up to a maximum of 5)

Each episode consists of:

 Vaccine details

This service will process in a real-time transaction and will validate the data entered for an individual’s immunisation history as recorded on the AIR.

The AIR Record Encounter Web Service replaces the existing Client Adaptor (CA) General (GEN) and History (HST) claims service.


The AIR Update Encounter API enables vaccination providers to update vaccines they have previously submitted to the AIR. Vaccination providers are not able to update vaccines submitted by other vaccination providers or if a vaccine has attracted an AIR information payment for completing a schedule.

Note: The AIR Update Encounter API is dependent on the AIR Individual Immunisation History Details API, as that web service determines what encounter/episodes are editable for a provider to update for an individual. This will ensure the provider does not attempt to update vaccines they are not eligible to update.