Update 1st Feb: We now have a Beta Update available. Please contact us directly if you are using Medilink for writing scripts: [email protected] 

From 1 February 2021 most prescriptions for supply under the PBS and the RPBS must describe the medicine by active ingredient name to be eligible for subsidy.

Unfortunately, we have been unable to supply an update with this functionality to date. This is due to multiple factors, such as the short time frame that we were given, and the absence of any financial incentive from the government. However, we have multiple developers working on this update and expect it to be available shortly.

In the mean-time we are being asked "what happens with my scripts?" Long story short you can continue to generate scripts as normal, but you may be contacted by pharmacists and tell them that you are currently unable to supply an AIP version, and they may still supply the medicine as normal.

Here is an excerpt from the ADHA's advice to the MSIA (Medical Industry Software Association):

"Prescribing software members and developers: 

Firstly, the Department would like to acknowledge the extraordinary effort of industry in implementing active ingredient prescribing.

To support pharmacies, and ensure consumers have continued access to PBS and RPBS subsidised medicines during the transition to Active Ingredient Prescribing, the Department has agreed to provide a six-month grace period for pharmacy, ceasing 31 July 2021. 

Within this period, if a pharmacy receives a prescription that does not meet active ingredient prescribing requirements the pharmacists have been advised to contact the prescriber and request the prescription be re-issued in accordance with the requirements that come into effective on 1 February 2021.

If the prescriber is unable to issue a compliant prescription for any reason, the pharmacy may supply and claim for the medicine as normal under the PBS or RPBS without penalty.


Briar Caldwell

Policy Officer, Digital Delivery Section 

Benefits Integrity & Digital Health Division | Health Resourcing Group

Digital Health & Services Australia Branch

Australian Government Department of Health"