In 2017 R2 you can mass export patients by the links you have setup, i.e. Patients.IN or HL7 ADT etc., instructions below:

  1. Click Links Menu -> Export -> Patients via Links.
  2. Choose a date range for when the patients were seen. This is based of the billing service date - i.e. the patient must have been billed.
  3. Choose the provider practices that have seen these patients. Again, they must have been billed to qualify. You can shift or control click to select specific provider practices, or use all providers.
  4. Medilink will now output all qualifying patients via your links setup. For example, if you have a Patients.IN setup (to export patients to clinical software like Medical Director or Best Practice), then it will output all of these patients to that system.
  5. This may take a long time, when finished you will see a message saying that it is finished.